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Writer's pictureMyron

July 2012

ALO settled  a  major case in July.   The family  of the victim in one of Bethel’s worst homicide cases employed ALO to seek damages against the individuals responsible for  the torture-murder that dominated  the Bethel news in October of 2010.  That case resulted in a murder conviction of  two men, and long jail sentences.   The civil suit growing out of that  case resolved this month, and included a third defendant  who was not convicted of any crime.   The facts of the case are  far too  gruesome to repeat here.  Suffice it to say, jail is too nice of a place for the men who were convicted.

On a happier note,  former ALO employee Jane Imholte brought her boyfriend John for his first visit to Bethel.  As always, Jane was entertaining.   One story from her trip is  an example.  While waiting in the  Minneapolis air terminal for her flight to Alaska,   Jane  saw a wine shop inside security where  small bottles could be purchased and carried on the flight.  Now Jane is  a very light drinker, but  with a long  flight to Anchorage looming,  she  thought a couple of  bottles might  hit the spot.  During the flight,  she broke out her wine and was enjoying it when the flight attendant walked by.  “What’s that?” the attendant asked.  Thinking  the attendant was a wine enthusiast  curious about the vintage,  Jane eagerly  responded  “it’s a  Chardonnay.”    That turned out to be the wrong answer.  Jane was informed that she was not allowed to drink  her own wine on the airplane, and she had just committed a federal crime.   The real crime involved, one suspects,  is buying  wine from someone  other than the airline. ALO rarely provides free legal advice, but this situation requires it. If you purchase wine at an airport, past security, drink it carefully.

On the subject of airlines,  Flying Wild Alaska sometimes  films in Bethel, and  recently included a  short segment  of  their pilots running a couple of small teams from Old Friendly Dog Farm, filmed  last spring.  Like last month with Taco Bell,  the sled dogs,  including 11 year old leader Trot,  were prominently featured.  Unfortunately,  there was no mention of  the Dog Farm, although there was a quick shot of the kennel’s sign in the background of one shot which also included Henry the Terrier in his TV debut.

ALO has a long history of litigation with one of the companies  featured on the show.   It is doubtful this particular incident described in a recent ALO complaint against the company and its pilot will make  the show anytime soon, but it certainly  could be described as flying wild. Incidentally, all pilots flying ALO aircraft are required to keep their pants on. Over the years, a passenger or two has deviated from that standard to salute folks on the ground during a fly-by, but that only happens once in a blue moon.

The poorly devised  plan to build a dam in Wood Tikchik State Park  was slowed by failure to obtain a permit from the state to conduct studies.  The order denying the permit noted that both the dam, and the  study were not compatible with the carefully written Park plan.  It also noted strong opposition in the form of letters.  All of the letters for and against the permit  were made public.  The very few letters in support were mostly the same words with a different signature. A well thought out plan of action should not have to rely on form letters.  A walk over the tundra recently to the dam site confirmed the grandeur of the  locale. One wonders how many of the folks  proposing the dam have ever been to the actual site.  Best guess?? None.

Western Alaska suffered through a cool, damp July while the rest of America sweltered in the hottest July on record.  The two are likely linked, because warmer air coming off the ocean carries more moisture, and  wet weather in Alaska means cool temps.  If July felt hot, read this article.   For those who require visual proof of global warming, check this.

Wildlife photos are a favorite of the ALO  news editorial staff.  Here are the ones that made the cut this month.  An Alaska golf course scene

the mandatory moose photo,

a  standoff at a  feeding station on the elk farm,

a baby weasel on the road in Bethel,

and a line-up of elk calves.

Scott and Janet Angstman are helping with  elk feeding this summer, and have provided the elk farm photos for this month.  They also sent this shot of the abundant wild flowers

on the farm. 

The purple are bergamot and the yellow are coreopsis.  Central Minnesota is one of the few areas to get  plenty of rain this year, and flowers are one of the results.

Dolly and David took the girls salmon berry picking  near the family fish camp near Bethel.  These pictures of the girls and berries are the result.

Berry picking is a major activity in August for rural Alaskans.  Blueberries are a valuable trade commodity at ALO, along with salmon strips.

Finally, a cartoon for the Catholic readers of this report.


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